How to vote for Stan Woodard
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Get involved with the Woodard for President effort! The simplest and most important thing you can do is to tell your friends and family about the campaign. they'll appreciate knowing that their hopes and dreams are mirrored in one person who hopes to lead to all of the good things they would like for this great nation of ours!

Your generosity in any amount is appreciated... whether $10 or $10,000, or more, you are assured that your donation will be used in support of the Woodard for President effort!

With your help Stan Woodard can achieve the goals that so many Americans hold deeply, which include media scrutiny. With your help we can draw attention to some of the most important issues of the day, because at its core the Woodard campaign intends to foster a return to high standards of public education, environmental integrity with a global point-of-view, economic fairness and equal opportunity for all Americans no matter their age, gender, or beliefs, among other important platform planks.

Your first name
Your last name
Your email address
How would like to help the campaign?


Photographers, graphic artists, musicians and all creative and administrative people can lend their support by participating in promotional efforts. The campaign also welcomes all who would like to help raise funds which will be used to help pay for travel and other expenses. People with marketing and media relations skills are encouraged to participate, too! Anyone who has a talent or skill and would like to be involved is invited to contact the campaign with suggestions and ideas.

Email us at and tell us how you'd like to help!

Video editors - digitize analog video (VHS, Hi8).
Archivists - aggregate existing materials for use by the campaign
Mailing list associate - organize the email list for MailChimp distribution

Recording engineer w/studio time
- drummer!
Musical equipment maintenance (guitar, amps, etc)
- wireless mic and guitar kit

IT services/ website editor
printing services

transportation costs
street team (flyers)

Hip Party Organization
Woodard for President home