Woodard for President

These current and archival videos, and others, can be downloaded at YouTube.


Instruct Myself (Love theme from Stan Woodard for President, the Opera)

DOWNLOAD Good News for Modern America 2012, Gallery Version (Overture)

I'm in! Download your own sign!
1 MB download
  WFP Home QR Song Make your own Woodard for President badge! Print your favorite, cut a circle and pin it to your shirt. Your friends will want one, too!
Click thumbnails for printable files! (The badges should print at around 2 1/5" diameter)
Have fun making your own Woodard for President promotional materials with hardly any effort
(or you can order your custom yard signs from the campaign, woodard@woodardforpresident.org!)

Round street sign
You can make this street sign from a piece of recycled wood using the approved WFP 2012 slogan. This piece of wood already had the holes drilled, how convenient!

Your signs can be round, rectangular, misshapen, large, small or any size... use your favorite colors or whatever you have at hand!

Just include an official slogan, like --
WFP2012, Woodard for President 2012, WFP 2K12

  • DOWNLOAD and print the designs! Use tape or staples to attach your sign to walls and bulletin boards. Mail the signs to your friends and favorite art centers.
  • OR
  • Make your own designs following the simple guidelines!
    1. The best yard signs are made from recycled materials such as recycled wood, metal, or paper... No plastic!  (Official yard signs are not ever made out of plastic, but you may make indoor wall signs out of 12 inch vinyl discs if you like!)
    2. Base your sign on one of the pre designed templates -- you can draw it yourself or print the template and cut a stencil.
    3. Use any colors you like to complete the sign.
    4. Make a wooden or metal stake and attach it to your sign, stick it into the earth OR use screws or nails to attach your sign to a telephone pole... or something like that.
    5. Take a picture and send it to us at woodard@woodardforpresident.org.
      We'll add it to the Hall of Fame!

This yard sign is almost 4 feet wide!
This 46" sign will look great in the front yard!

download design
download design


Improve the telephone poles in your neighborhood with these nail-on strip style signs!

These are great for telephone poles in your neighborhood!

Woodard for President likes Obama for President!
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